One of the most important tasks of Pelletti ry is study advocacy. The practical responsibility for this belongs to the board of the guild, especially to the correspondent member of the board (edunvalvontavastaava in Finnish, translates to study advocate/trustee/promoter of interests). Study advocacy means promoting interests and making sure the members of our guild are treated equally. The chairperson of the guild, together with the advocacy representative, regularly participates in the meetings of the environmental engineering program staff. In the meetings, decisions are made about the contents of the courses and their lecturers, and other important topics are discussed concerning the program staff and Pelletti. The purpose of the meetings is open decision-making and a smooth flow of information between the guild and the program staff. The program and the guild jointly organize orientation and recreation events, the purpose of which is to bridge the gap between students and staff. The guild organizes, for example, coffee breaks (kiltiskahvit), course feedback sessions, and program days (koulutusohjelmapäivät) a few times a year, where you can interact with the program staff. Through versatile presence, we strive to make sure that the point of view of the ordinary student is considered in all decision-making. Our student union LTKY also monitors the interests of its students. The members of the student union and advocacy representatives from different guilds meet about once a month to discuss various study advocacy matters and think of solutions to possible problems together. The guild's study advocacy, therefore, aims to prevent unfair treatment of environmental engineering students now and in the future. In confusing situations, you should contact the guild's study advocate, the chairperson, or any member of the board.
Ville Haapaniemi
Study advocate 2025
tg: VilleH23
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